
Wine Marketing - Case study of Japanese market

Case Study: Marketing of Wine in Japan

Marketers play an important role in Japanese wine market, over the years they introduced and "produce" boom for different kinds of wines.

Comparing HK, alcoholic consumption per capita is 3.3L, while Japan has a smaller number of 2.4L. However, the consumption composition is different.

Japan doubled its consumption in 20 years. The boom was in the 70s, same period of time as her economic boom. Osaka World expo 1970 also played an important role in bridging the outside world and Japan.

Comparing HK, French and Australian wines are the most consumed, while the old world wines are more popular like Italian and French in Japan. American wines also have a significant share.

2 booms in Japan,
1. Beaujolais nouveau - it is a big market in Japan. Marketers make use of festive-like characteristic to market this nouveau in every Oct to Nov.
2. Sparkling wine is experiencing a boom in recent years. In Japan, wine consumers are mainly females, marketers hence put effort to this sector. (while male consumer consumes Sake , Happo-shu 發泡酒 [a cheaper version of beer])

Articles under this topics:
Wine marketing 1
Wine marketing 2
Wine marketing 3



今年的ITE (國際旅遊展)特別深刻,因為自己involve了很多,可以寫的東西也很多。

今年得到很多友好機構/公司協助,可以讓我們「盡展所能」 ... 哈哈,「盡展所能」的後果就是做到傻,話雖如此,但我覺得滿足感非常大。今屆ITA搞了很多不同的活動,又參與不同旅遊局及不同公司做講座的邀請,算是有聲有色。

大概於展覽兩個月前,「旅遊珍藏」這主題已定了下來。後來發展到,一方面做《旅遊珍藏展》,一方面收集會員的紀念品,供兩天公眾日的《千奇百趣遊世界》遊 戲中作獎品。一直很怕這種令人混淆的收集活動,《珍藏展》是由會員借出他們的珍藏於攤位中展出;《千奇百趣遊世界》是收集由會員捐出來的旅遊紀念品,好在 不用我去解釋。兩個收集活動只由我們口傳口,人傳人、討論區呼籲、自己的網上電台發報,實際收集得來的數目我不清楚 (因為不是我負責),但我知道《珍藏展》中的展品是要經挑選;當我幫手《千奇百趣遊世界》時,我見紀念品數目多到近乎派出一樣。我覺得很成功!



【《U Magazine》Traveller's Tips專欄】 英倫海峽上的瑪瑙

U Magazine邀 ITA合作寫新專欄Traveller's Tips已經有一段時間,最初我負責當中的coordinate及editing工作,不過我覺得既然要coordinate及edit人家的文章,倒不 如自己寫,所以最後我都會負責一篇的旅遊文章,每月1-2次。




愛做背囊友,因為不愛拘束,行程最好也盡量輕鬆。很多人計劃遊覽法國的聖米切爾山(Mt.St. Michel)時,也會以一天遊的形式,一早從巴黎出發,同日晚上回來,這樣磨人的一天,來回便用上接近8個鐘。何不找個中間點,看看古城、吃個海鮮,再出發?

聖 瑪瑙 (St. Malo)離巴黎約3小時車程,就在英倫海峽旁;每天早上都有巴士直達聖米切爾山,車程只需50分鐘。聖瑪瑙古城被城牆包圍,城牆內有很多中世紀的商店食 肆。城牆外是一片連綿的海灘,海上不遠處有一座堡壘,叫Fort National,跟海灘相連。潮漲時,水會淹蓋通往堡壘的路,令那裡成為一個孤島。


[From U Magazine #241: Traveller's Tips《睇法國最靚日落》]

Wine Marketing 3

1) Strategic Marketing Planning
1. Situation Analysis (SWOT Analysis)
2. Develop marketing objectives
3. Determine positioning and differential advantage - what makes you unique
4. Select target markets and measure market demand
5. Design a strategic marketing mix (Ref: using the Marketing Communication Mix in previous post)
6. Product, Placement, Price, Promotion, Position

2) Pricing
Base price VS Expected price
Base price can be considered as cost for producer.
Base price (from producer) ------> Expected price (from customer)
Marketers try to increase the difference between 2 prices,
they try to influence the difference.

3) Pricing factors specific to wine
Supply fixed at each vintage
Price of fine wines: Liv-ex Fine Wine 50 Index http://www.liv-ex.com

4) Management Process
Planning --> Implementation --> Evaluation --> Planning (by feedback)

Planning (Strategic Marketing Planning)

5) Position
There are different positions in wine industry/distribution channel,
Exporters --> importer --> Retailers ---> End customers
---> Restaurants/Hotels
---> Re-exporters (to CN, MO)

Need to be unique, such as,
Organic wines
New Varieties
Innovative packaging
New region or appellations

6) Exercise
SWOT analysis study on ThreeSixty.

Repeat purchase organic wines
Prime location

Not specialist in wine
Cannibalization from Wellcome/Jason
Not enough exclusive labels
Size of wine retail space relatively small compared to competitive
Storage problem, not suitable for wine

Reliable, healthy, trustworthy image
good for mainlanders

Legislation - control over alcoholic sales

Further Reading
My note:

Articles under this topic:
Wine marketing 1
Wine marketing 2
Wine marketing: Case study of Japanese market


Wine Marketing 2

1) Some figures,
1. 1/3 wines are imported from France
2. HK do import & re-export to Macau and China
3. Wine import to be HK$ 5 billion in 2009
4. Demand are expected to increase by 72%
5. Alcoholics consumptions - 25% red wine (New Zealand and Chile are fast growing countries), 5% white wine, 2% sparkling.

2) China Wine Market
1. HKTDC firgures, import wines accounted for 11.8%, French wines being the most popular.
2. Import tariffs to China:
Import Tax 14%
VAT 17%
Consumption Tax 10%

3) Marketing Communication Mix
Sales Promotion
Public Relations
Personal Selling
Direct Marketing

[First 2 suitable for single brand & companies, last 2 are lowest in cost]

My Notes on the Mix:
Now more and more online marketing solutions provides more and more targeted promotion channels.
Product placement in TV program and movies.
SEO: Search Engine Optimization
Responsible marketing campaign: "If you drink, you can't drive." Social responsibility

4) SWOT Analysis
External factors: Opportunities and Threats
Internal factors: Strengths and Weaknesses

Study on Wine High Club (http://www.winehighclub.com/)
Background: Direct importer from France (mainly from Bordeaux) and UK, online sales. Small amount of business for trade, wholesale.

SWOT Analysis for Wine High Club
Lower cost (direct from one main region, Bordeaux, transportation cost relatively low)
Efficient distribution channel
High return customer (repeat customer)
No outlets, lower overhead

Higher import cost due to small volume (compared to chain stores)
No interaction (tasting)
Low turnover
Customer are price sensitive
WOM is important

General public increasing interest in wine
Expand wine offering portfolio
Advantage in exporting to China
Lowered tariffs
Local customers are familiar with online purchase

Floating foreign exchange for GBP and Euro
Economy. Wine is not a necessity
Product life span (My note: this would be further discussed in the Japan case study)
Fake wine on rare vintage

Articles under this topic:
Wine marketing 1
Wine marketing 3
Wine marketing - Case study of Japanese market




國際旅遊展 ITE的工作由5月開始,照例都有的電台錄音工作、還有會員大會等等 ....

可能有讀者未知道,我是ITA (國際漫遊協會)的執委,負責了旅遊電台ITA Channel的工作,除此之外,他們說我們執委中的男士要求比較高,所以國際旅遊展中派發的小冊子《自遊寶鑑》,當中的編輯大任就交予我去做了,當然還有Jason負責的layout, Timothy的cover及校對等等的工作。





Wine Marketing 1

... 連自己都搞不清此篇blog文應放到哪一分類「飲食男女」??「Reminder」??
早前讀了一個由中大舉辦的短期課程 Introduction to Wine Marketing,為了令自己的學費不至倒錢落海,寫點內容撮要。

Course had covered some major yet basic marketing principles and theories.

1. 5Ps of Wine Marketing
Besides the traditional 4Ps (Product, Placement/Distribution, Price, Promotion), Perception (which is the positioning of your wine) is added to it.
Positioning means how your product differentiate from others, hence the perception of the product.

2. Consumer Segmentation
Segmentation in wine marketing is/can be different from traditional ones, like age group, geographical distribution. We mainly use BEHAVIORAL and PSYCHOGRAPHICAL INVOLVEMENT segmentation.

2.1 Behavioral Consumer Segmentation
According to customer's buying habits and usage of a product, 4 categories divided,
1. Core drinkers: 60% of consumption
2. Marginal drinkers: TARGET of marketers, to make them into core one.
3. Non-wine drinkers: younger, male (why? they drink beers!)
4. Abstainers: such as for religious reasons

2.2 Psychographic Consumer Segmentation
By level of involvement in wine,
1. Connoisseurs: high involvement, wine collectors
2. Aspirational drinkers: wine relates to customers' personal image
3. Beverage drinkers: wine is an another beverage
BUT, involvement =/= consumption rate.

Motivations based on the nature of the occasions,
1. Social wine drinkers
2. Image-oriented wine drinkers
3. Ritual (儀式)-oriented wine drinkers: incl. wine collector
4. Premium wine drinkers
5. Basic weekend wine drinkers

3. The Dissonance/Attribution Model
Dissonance - mismatch
Attribution - given cerdit
It is a response model which follows the opposite sequence from normal.
(通 常"normal"的次序係learn -> feel -> do, 但酒方面會係 do -> feel -> do, 即係客人要先買 [do / conative],再feel,再learn去支持買酒的決定;而呢個model就係要減少customer dissonance 的感覺)

Cognitive: learn, awareness, information
Affective: feel, desire
Conative: (action with motives - by learn/feel/etc) do, trial, rejection

The Model for wine:
Perceived produce differentiation - low
Topical involvement - low
Hence, conative -> affective -> cognitive

Implications of the model:
1. Reduction of dissonance: To convince that you made a wise choice
2. Initiate trial of wine
3. Before-and-after-sales communication

My notes on the Model:
I think this model is not 100% true on wine marketing case, particularly in educated sector (which sometimes it is the target customers). In an educated market, the target customers have already had a general picture (perception) of particular wines. Plus in such market, it is usually more mature, marketers tend to use other (may be called, creative way) ways to change the model, such as using PR, mass media influences, soft-sales & etc. My example is the movie "Sideways", which depicts story of pinot noir in California. Movies also add values (emotional) to the wine too.

My notes:
1. Further reading:
Wine Marketing articles
by the Head of Wine Marketing Research, Professor Larry Lockshin, writes a monthly column for WBM Australia's Wine Business Magazine.

Next articles:
Wine Marketing 2
Wine Marketing 3
Wine Marketing - Case study of Japanese market



緬甸:文字/圖片/聲音 到面對面的分享

有很長的時間沒有update entries,其實當中寫過不少的文章,就是沒有把它們放上blogspot來。



遊記早已極速完成,先多謝 ITA朋友的喜愛。
2010 折翼蝴蝶 - 緬甸之旅 (Myanmar: A Golden/Fallen Butterfly)

在國際漫遊協會 ITA 的相片雙年展Eyes on the World碰到港台旅遊節目《我要走天涯》的主持區凱聲;然後就上了該節目,用聲音分享緬國的大略。


既然ITA有自己的旅遊節目,當然留些更有趣、更八卦的經歷在自己節目講啦!下個月將與Timothy及旅伴,講講大家「參觀」緬甸警局的經過,也會講講緬甸的騙子和討厭的人。當然係《漫遊風 好輕鬆》節目啦!第141集《人,另一緬

國際旅遊展 ITE期間,將會伙拍項明生及Zeno主講一個旅遊講座《足足五千年- 旅遊心體驗》,內容分享到經濟較落後的地方的旅遊心得。是次講座我其實係接替會友Barry Ku的,但反應相當好!講座頭一部分由項明生講有關歷史和一些他到過的古國,之後以寮國作自助遊行程例子;跟著到我講去緬甸自助遊如何幫助當地人和作為旅客如何減少旅費落入軍政府手上的方法;最後由Zeno講去西非國家馬里的遊歷和如何幫助當地導遊的分享。遲一點再寫那天的一些重點內容。

到6月19日,會與Timothy一齊講Talk,我倆在緬甸都不是留了很長時間,也未算好深入,所以題目特別定得有主題《緬甸Classic Four 攝影旅遊講座》(Marketing策略嘛!)。3小時有關緬甸的旅遊及攝影,無冷場,好滿足!

回味再回味,ITA應U-Magazine之邀,會在5月開始有份參與一個新欄目《Traveller's Tips》的撰稿。我是ITA的統籌及Editor之一,第一篇交的是James寫的河內希望餐廳,跟著的是我寫的在緬甸使用美金的 tips了。



【緬甸】國際旅遊展講座:足足五千年- 旅遊心體驗

上一篇講到我從緬甸旅遊回來之後的一些分享活動,現在又多補一個,是我接替Barry Ku在國際旅遊展中,伙拍項明生及Zeno分享到經濟較落後的地方的旅遊心得。




《足足五千年- 旅遊心體驗》

2010 折翼蝴蝶 - 緬甸之旅
在緬甸尋Tuscany 的感覺


我的MP3機 (流動音樂播放器)

有朋友問我推介哪部MP3機 (流動音樂播放器),我才醒起不如寫寫MP3機。

我現時用的是Sony NWZ-S745 的16GB MP3機。我用過好多部音樂播放器,因為我實在太喜歡聽音樂,試過因為JNC的MP3機,新上手不到4個月就在旺角街頭壞機,我想了幾分鐘就走入豐澤另買一部了。

在此機Sony NWZ-S745 之前的Samsung,買回來不夠一年,因為它的電量問題而放棄了;再對上一部是Sony,因為只有1GB及要用software傳MP3,所以用了近兩年,放棄了。Sony終於明白到它不是iTunes的對手,於是這幾年推出的MP3機都沒有煩人的SonicStage「過歌軟件」。其實我大部分的 MP3機到現時仍然可以正常運作的,包括陪伴我2005年歐洲旅程的Creative 512MB,我的第一部MP3機。

我對Sony的AV產品是有點情有獨鍾的,相反,我不喜歡iPod,不喜歡iTunes,所以iPod便宜一大截,我都沒有選擇。事實上好幾年前HSBC信用咭的迎新禮就是iPod mini, 用了幾天就送了給我細佬了。

我用Sony NWZ-S745已有半年了,非常滿意,特別是Noise Cancelling的功能,實在叫人「驚訝」。買新MP3機是因為想在旅行前買一部高容量及電池耐用的播放器,這部已滿足了我基本的要求。唯開了「電池保護模式」,用電時間會較短。

一直不覺它的Noise Cancelling有什麼用途,萬成的Sales姐姐就說一定要配合跟機的earphone才有用的,那又是真啊,最少,插了跟機耳筒LCD才會顯示"NC" (Noise Cancelling)。後來帶它上飛機,才知那個抑噪功能有幾強大。

要在嘈雜的環境下欣賞音樂,你可以將音量調大,又或者耳筒的隔音相當好,又或者叫周圍的人不要吵。最後一點很難達到,但第一點又會傷害耳朵,於是Sony這「套」播放器和入耳式耳筒就發揮了很大的幫助,耳筒會「主動」將周圍的低頻率清掉,背景雜聲清除了,音樂自然清晰。飛機上,我把音量調至6 (平時我也聽這個音量的),欣賞Damien Rice的Volcano,淡淡的結他聲小提琴聲,不用鬥大聲,令人舒服到極。最令人驚訝的是,每當整張碟播完,播放器正式停下來之後,你就會感到周圍有多嘈吵、飛機的引擎有多煩擾,每次都覺得相當神奇!

2月頭從曼谷轉機回港的3個小時機中,不幸被編到飛機引擎的隔離,連空服員也聽不清我要的是beef or chicken,而我就索性全程把耳朵塞起來,寧靜的過這3小時。

另外,隨機的兩腳插頭在飛機上也大派用場。航空公司派發的headphone不舒適,是眾所周知的 (除了坐商務艙的旅客外 ...),對於喜歡用私伙earphone的乘客來說,這個兩腳adaptor是一件喜訊!

Sony NWZ-S745



2010' ITE 手記之三至五


國際旅遊展的第一天是業內日,即場內大部參觀人士也是跟旅遊有關的。心想,那我又算是什麼呢?? 又想,現在好像有種雙重身份的困惑,特別我是請了半天假到來的,感覺更奇怪。

到場的時候,會長Ivy介紹了港台節目《旅遊樂園》的主持人劉蓮給我認識,她很熱情,也很健談,做旅遊節目的人就是有這種旅人的熱情。我覺得他們做節目不是「做節目」般流水作業,而是享受一個分享的過程。港台第五台的《我要走天涯》我倒是有上過去 ... [繼續閱讀,按此]


一個經費不多的組織究竟怎樣令國際旅遊展更為生色? 的確傷腦筋。
一來沒有大手筆的宣傳budget,二來我們每個人都是義務性質的幫手,沒有什麼obligation,準時出席已代表了莫大的支持。沒有大手筆的宣傳,不代表沒有宣傳,相反有很多支持ITA 國際漫遊協會的友好媒體都有報導,令我們見報的機會比去年多。
很佩服我們一班籌備小組的朋友,每人都把自己最有信心最拿手的部分奉獻,例如與傳媒關係要好的,就奉獻他們的「人情」... [繼續閱讀,按此]


早幾年參觀旅遊展,一定會揀幾場自己有興趣的講座聽聽。記得幾年前,我已經認識Travellife (香港另一人氣旅遊討論區),也有到過他們舉辦的講座,他們的講座比大會的講座吸引,因為他們邀請的是真真正正喜歡旅遊的人 (後來知道,原來當年的講者大部分都是來自國際漫遊協會 ITA 的。來自哪都無所謂啦,ITA 跟Travellife一向友好。還有的是,我很喜歡”Travellife”這名字,好有意義啊!),而不是大會推廣生意的一種。.... [繼續閱讀,按此]



其實當初籌備小組的成員提出可以聯絡到嫩模來的時候,我是有點猶豫,畢竟我覺得一個推動自助旅遊的組織不需要有這樣的宣傳,但想真一點,又有何不可呢?? 我們要搞國際旅遊展,根本的目的就是希望更多人會認識國際漫遊協會,從而作出推廣;... [繼續閱讀,按此]


上個月的確好忙,把很多時間貢獻給ITA,一年一度旅遊界的party國際旅遊展 (ITE)就是其中一個大function。

展覽在6月10-13號在灣仔會展舉辦,頭兩天是業內人士參觀的日子,而周末的兩天就是公眾日。在U Travel blog寫了5篇不長不短的感想,轉載及連結如下:


幾年前我已有入場參加國際旅遊展 (ITE),每個展台展現其國家的特色,熱鬧繽紛,是它的賣點;場內亦有不同的旅遊講座、抽獎遊戲等活動,為天氣悶熱的6月周末,帶來一個好去處。

這兩年身份不同了,真正的「參與」旅遊展:由Day 0 開始,搬物資、Set場、佈置,到Day 4 17:00之後的飯局,是一個漫長但又滿足的工作過程。我的正職也是Marketing,對搞展覽有一定程度的認識和經驗,和ITE不同之處是公司的展覽無論在香港或是外地舉行,都屬於業內人士參觀的,即是B2B,大家到來有一定的目的,就是做生意、發掘商機 ... [繼續閱讀,按此]