
It's Un-ding-able!!

我有一個朋友,可能實在太喜愛講英文,一段簡單的點菜有可能出現以下情況 ...

地點:Bar & Restaurant

朋友:Excuse me, I want to order something ...
Waiter: Yes ...
朋友: mm ... first of all, I'd like to have appetizer, so I think chips is good. Do you think large is enough for our group of 6 friends here? What's the portion?
Waiter: Large is fine.
朋友: Ok, a large chips please. Then I would like have a sandwich. There are so many choices here, it's difficult to choose, is there any non-greasy choice?
Waiter: ____ & _____ are also fine.
朋友: oh~ I think ____ is good, so I would like to order one ____ sandwich

好不容易,我才模擬出這樣多廢話的conversation,以上內容實屬虛構,但現場我的確有點難受,那種香港味濃郁的口音 (朋友說似菲律賓口音)和拖尾音,還有如以上廢話穿插的內容,好明顯朋友只想努力說一口英文。

朋友英文不特別好,但特別喜歡說英文。大學認識這朋友時,我真的覺得好難頂 (can I use a term ... "un-ding-able" ??),為什麼要一句廣東會話中,穿插那些英文詞彙?? 特別是一種造作的香港口音,更礙耳!身邊有很多從傳統英文中學畢業的朋友,他們說話很少會穿插那麼多的英文單字,因為他們的教育著種語文訓練是,你要說中文,就要整句完完整整的中文,你要說英文,就要完完整整的英文,而且這些沒有外國背景的朋友,他們的發音都很清晰準確,有些會帶一點英國口音,聽起來順耳非常。

有時在街上,偶爾會遇到一些英文差的父母 (通常都是母親),會硬對著他們的五六歲的小孩講英文,問道"can u open the TV for me??" "what is this? this is apple!" "你今日食左咩breakfast呀?" "de 唔 delicious呀?" 我總會報以鄙視的眼光!

