湍流籠罩 伊朗依然吸引
今次的伊朗之行,我放棄了人家說的「必遊景點」阿契美尼德帝國古都遺址 -- 波斯波里斯(Persepolis)和伊朗詩人之鄉色拉子(Shiraz),不去懷古誦詩,換來行程上更大的彈性。出發前跟自己承諾,這趟旅程不為走景點,要看的是「人」的風景,我相信人與人之間的交流比懷古更真實。
Hi Kelvin,
回覆刪除I'm planning a trip to iran next spring, probably around Apr, for 2 weeks. Some questions cross my mind, I'd most appreciate your advice on these since you've been traveling there a few times.
(1) Is Apr a good season to go? (Not terribly hot or freezingly cold)
(2) Can I get a visa-on-arrival at Tehran Airport?(14-day ONLY? Is it free?)(HKSAR passport) ANy cheap flights (low cost carriers you'd recommend?) So far, Qatar gives the best deal. Maybe you have other recommendations?
(3) Can we get by just with English? Or need some Arabic?
(4) Do you always have to haggle to get the local rate? (This is what I had to do all the time in Vietnam & Morocco -- locals always tend to cheat tourists because you don't know the going rate)
(5) Are the buses/trains O.K. to move around? Or better hire a car?
Would very much appreciate your advice & thanx for yr attention.
Hi Hoc,
回覆刪除Hey~~ you actually planning a trip to Iran? how about Chaing Rai? :D
1. Visiting Iran in April is good! not too hot/cold. Also you can see flowers in the hill as well.
2. My experience is to get your visa in your homeland before flying, that's my case in Hong Kong with SAR passport. Applying an Iraian visa is not that cheaper, but it is necessary. For other flight options, you can try Mahan Air, am Irianian airlines, which flies to/from Guangzhou and Shangjhai.
3. English good enough. BTW, they are not using Arabic, it's Persian/Farsi.
4. In my trip, nope. But you have to be clear.
5. Between cities, buses/trains are really okay, in terms of condition and punctuality. I forgot if I bought "VIP" bus. but if so, it was still value worth