

N年前,我曾聽過有個說法,大致意思是「旅遊不會增加你人生的深度,但會增加你吹水時間的長度!」,有趣有趣!原文是英文,但印象深刻,於是我在N年前,就在我的網上相簿寫兩句前言時加了上去,寫成什麼 "Travel will not deepen your life, but lengthen your conversation."

“Too often travel, instead of broadening the mind, merely lengthens the conversation." – Elizabeth Drew

是來自一個 "The 50 Most Inspiring Travel Quotes of All Times" 的網頁,當然也有其他值得一看再看,一思再想的quotes。

27. “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
應該是「千里之行,始於足下」吧!也是一句我很喜愛的quote。Lao Tzu?? 是誰??

12. “All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it.” – Samuel Johnson
我不單會"enjoy it",還更要學懂"珍惜和承傳"。

29. “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu
31. “The journey not the arrival matters.” – T.S. Eliot
又是Lao Tzu?? #29 跟 #31又有何不同呢?? 意義上,我兩個都喜歡!

35. “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J. R. R. Tolkien
我喜歡wander,但好多時由wander變 lost ... ... (Note: J. R. R. Tolkien是Lord of the Ring的作者)

